RSA models are based on the UML2 standard, which models not only a system's static data model but also behavioral constructs. RSA模型是基于UML2标准的,这种模型不仅可以建模一个系统的静态数据模型,而且还可以对行为进行建模。
The backup process is not a file system backup; it is a logical backup. 这种备份不是文件系统的备份,而是逻辑上的备份。
This is a file system, not mail system, issue, but it still needs to be addressed. 这是一个文件系统的问题,而不是邮件系统的问题,但是该问题仍然需要解决。
Since use cases are intended to be transparent and not system dependent, they will be missing some of the critical details essential to lower-level test phases. 由于用例是透明且独立于系统,所以对于测试阶段,他们将丢失一些关键的细节信息。
Although not a file system integrity issue per se, disk fragmentation is another issue that might need attention. 尽管本质上不是一个文件系统集成问题,但磁盘碎片是另一个需要注意的问题。
In other words, your estimation should be based on transactions being "round trips," not system steps. 换句话说,您的估算应该基于“环形的”事务,而不是系统步骤。
Remember that the timeout option is not available in System V semaphore. 记住,超时操作在SystemV信号量中并不适用。
Remember that this is the Django superuser, not your system's. 记住,这是Django的超级用户,而不是系统的超级用户。
The system administrator has to be careful that the orchestration will not result in system overloads. 系统管理员必须谨慎,以免协调工作导致系统过载。
Name from the perspective of the user, not the system. 从用户的角度来命名,而不是以系统的角度命名。
This file also defines the nodes in the cluster and the interfaces that heartbeat uses to verify whether or not a system is up. 该文件还定义了群集中的节点,以及heartbeat用来确认系统是否在运行的接口。
Before going on about "heart surgery," we need to take one step back and state definitively that core systems modernization is not legacy system integration; it is much more than that. 在讨论“心脏手术”之前,我们需要稍微暂停一下,明确说明核心系统现代化不是遗留系统集成,其中包括的工作远远不止这些。
This change does not require a system reboot. 此更改不需要重新启动系统。
They are extremely limited and can only run application processes, not system daemons such as inetd or cron. 它们具有一定的局限性,只能运行应用程序进程,而不能运行inetd或cron之类的系统守护进程。
If the timing constraints of the system are not met, system failure is said to have occurred. 如果未满足系统的时间约束,则认为系统失效。
The function fun_checkJVM() will be called, which proves that the application did not call System. exit() after the customization process completion. 此时将会调用funcheckJVM()函数,这证明应用程序在完成定制过程之后没有调用System.exit()。
It is not a real-file system, but rather a virtualized view of the running kernel and environment. 它不是一个真实的文件系统,而是运行内核和环境的虚拟化视图。
And while logical decomposition is often essential, it is not sufficient for system modeling. 虽然逻辑分解常常是必要的,但是对系统建模来说是不够的。
Note: Be certain that you are targeting your SD card and not a system disk. 注意:确保您锁定的目标是您的SD卡而不是一个系统磁盘。
The AutoYaST file does not contain system specific information such as an IP address, host name, etc. AutoYaST文件不包含特定于系统的信息,比如IP地址、主机名等。
This statement is crucial; the model is not the system itself but a formalized representation of the system. 这一论断很重要,模型不是系统本身,而是系统的形式化表示。
In our case, AIO servers are not a system bottleneck. 在我们的示例中,AIO服务器不是系统瓶颈。
Besides being a best practice not to utilize system objects, this channel is a known security hazard. 不利用系统对象不仅是个最佳实践,此通道还是一个已知的安全风险。
Note that this only installs the bootloader, not the operating system. 请注意这只安装了引导程序,而没有安装操作系统。
XML uses industry standards, such as Java, XSLT, and so on, and is extensible, but not system or platform dependent. XML使用行业标准,如Java、XSLT等,而且还可以扩展行业标准,但XML不是系统或平台相关的。
LFS is not the only system in this field, but it is the only system that allows you to work directly with individual source files. LFS不是该领域的惟一系统,但它是惟一允许您直接处理单个源文件的系统。
This mechanism is convenient and does not strain the system's resources. 这个机制十分便利,不会造成系统资源紧张。
It does not address the system's internal elements. 其不处理系统的内部元素。
This is to ensure that an introduction of a large number of users to a system will not overload the system. 这就可以确保对系统引入的大量用户不会使系统超负荷运转。
They do not believe the system was hacked. 他们认为,系统并没有遭到黑客攻击。